ozvalue ag

Spreader/Seeder Accessories

APV Accessories: 5.2 Controller

The Control Box 5.2 is the most popular version of the APV control boxes and includes the following functions: Precise speed calibration, regulation of the electric fan and automatic execution of the calibration test.

  • Electronic control and monitoring of the seeding shaft
  • Electronic adjustment of the spread rate during operation
  • Emptying and automatic calibration test (only weighing)
  • Calibration test: Display possible in kg/ha, grains/m2 and g/m2
  • Speed Calibration
  • Headland management (in combination with tractor linkage sensor)
  • Automatic adjustment of spread rate to travel speed (in combination with the speed sensor)
  • Device monitoring (in combination with implement sensors, e.g. pressure monitor and fill level sensor)
  • Pre-seeding
  • Calibration test right at the implement (in conjunction with the calibration button)
  • Regulation of the electric fan
  • Display of the operating voltage and amperages
  • Total hours and daily hours counter, total hectares and daily hectares counter, selection of different languages
  • Choice between different measuring units (metric, imperial)
  • Speed indicator and monitoring with hydraulic fan (fan speed (rpm) sensor)

$2,400 inc GST

Find out more about APV Accessories: 5.2 Controller

Press Wheels

  • 4.50-8 Semi-pneumatic press wheel
  • Press wheel to suit Morris, Bourgault, Seedhawk & Seedmaster
  • Ford stud pattern, steel rim

$125.00 inc GST

Find out more about Press Wheels

Farm Machinery.
Designed for the Australian Farmer.

Being working farmers ourselves, our team fully understand what’s required from modern farming machinery.

We know more than ever, farming in Australia has become highly dependent on its farm machinery costs and reliability. This is why at OzValue AG we’re committed to bringing the farmers of Australia, well priced quality machines and equipment. Our team continues to design and source suitable machinery from quality manufacturers around the world and then sell direct to the farmer eliminating importers and distributors and their added costs.

Simply. OzValue AG is committed to bringing the farmers of Australia, well priced quality farm machinery with all the sizes, features, quality, and service that you used to get from those old farm machinery brands... but for less money.

Plus we actively trial and test our farm machines in the field and where required improved them to suit unique Australian Conditions. Above and beyond our engineering knowledge we enjoy a deeper understanding of exactly what your looking for in your Farm machinery because...

... we're farmers too.